Re: Why me must Chelate...
This is a sad thing to see, but even
Hulda Clark didn't realize the importance of chelating with killing the parasites. She talked about removing the source of the toxins, but Lead, will displace calcium in the bones and can take years to get it out. I had two different metals test, one with the DMSA challenge, urine test, which showed the extremely high Lead. The one I just had was a Hair Analysis test, and it showed no Lead, and no mercury..but that doesn't mean I have no Lead and no mercury. Cutler (and Larry Wilson), both have books on how to interpret the Hair tests, because what the metals mess up are the metals.
I was very surprised when my calcium and magnesium were off the charts, high! What most people would think, is that means I have to avoid calcium foods/supplements.
What the hidden meaning is, is the calcium and magnesium are "biounavailable", and toxic. Lead won't allow the calcium to be absorbed, but the problem isn't eating too much calcium. Calcium is regulated by the thyroid/parathyroid glands..which are messed up because of mercury.
What I was reading about what was found before Clark died, makes me sad- because anemia is usually not because iron is low, it's because mercury has oxidized it, and turned it to rust, making it also "biounavailable".
One of the most important things Newport taught me some time back, was how a person can have both toxic/biounavailable minerals and at the same time, be deficient because of the need of a fresh supply while the toxic stuff is being eliminated. Copper is a good example of how that works. High copper indicates toxic/biounavailable copper needing to be moved out of the way (liver/bile is where toxic copper builds up, because bile is what eliminates it), so the fresh/available copper can be used like it needs to be.
Same thing with iron. It may not be that a person is low in iron, it's more likely because the iron is biounavailable and not being able to be used like it needs to be. It's "rust". That's why Newport tells people that are concerned with anemia, to take the IP6 to first remove the rust..but if there is mercury, it continues to oxidize the iron.