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Husband suddenly smells bad..he doesn't seem to know it.
ConcernedWife Views: 83,042
Published: 15 y

Husband suddenly smells bad..he doesn't seem to know it.

About a month ago I noticed that my husband would emit some sort of stale putrid smell. I get up in the morning a few hours before he does (he has an odd work schedule) and I usually close the door when I get up. A few hours later, when he opens the door to our bedroom where he was sleeping, a smell like I have never smelled seems to waft out of the room and hang in the air.

At first, it was only bad in the morning, but now the smell seems to follow him. Sorry if this is TMI, but it's sort of like a, as my young son would say, "toot smell" that follows like a cloud. He insists he doesn't know what I'm talking about, but it's bad.

I'm concerned because my husband had cancer last year and had radiation. I'm worried there may be something terribly wrong. I honestly can't tell where the smell is "emitted" from...his breath (while sleeping, he breathes entirely through his mouth) or if he is actually passing gas.

He appreciated that I told him he smells, but he thinks it's related to what he's been eating lately. He's been eating more veggies, some spices like Tumeric and tuna fish with garlic. All of this is because he's trying to eat healthier post-cancer.

Let me tell's cold here this time of year, but I find myself opening the windows just to air the house out. I can't even walk into our bedroom without being hit with this choking smell.

I'm also concerned because he spends an inordinate amount of time in the bathroom. We went to an event, and when we got there he said he had to stop off at the bathroom. I rolled my eyes, knowing we would be there a long time...he was in there 20 MINUTES, and we were late to the event. Not to mention, and this was embarrassing, another man went it to the bathroom and walked right out (I was waiting outside) and said to his friend, "ugh, it's gross in there. Smells like someone died." :(

My husband had throat cancer, does not and never did smoke, doesn't drink and is now cancer-free post-radiation. I'm worried he might have an issue with his colon, bowels, or something worse.

He's already said he eliminated many of the foods that we thought were causing it, but the smell is still there. How long can bad foods stay in your system causing this smell? Or, does this sound like something else to anyone? I'm really worried and embarassed for him.


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