what do you know about chlamydia pneumonia?
I am dealing with severe neurological problems, specifically muscle wasting, pain, and weakness, in my arms and legs. have you seen MANY doctors, had many tests etc. all of doctors are mystified
Talking to my ND yesterday he mentioned something about chlamydia pneumonia possibly being the causative factor.
Well, a little research shows that chlamydia pneumonia has been linked to neurological problems such as MS. This was very surprising to me.
I did have pneumonia about 10 years ago and that begin my long slow slide, but I do not know if it was the chlamydia flavor of pneumonia. Apparently only about 10% of pneumonia cases are chlamydia pneumonia the rest are some other flavor which I cannot remember at the moment.
Anyway, what do you know about chronic, long-term chlamydia pneumonia infection? Any suggestions as to how to treat it?