15 y
Re: Even Mild Thyroid Problems Double Risk Of Heart Condition
"Fish oil provides omega 3 fatty acids that also reduce inflammation."
I take a tablespoon of organic pumpkin and sunflower seeds daily. Do i still need fish oil?
Also as i'm a hypothyroid, would you advice tmg and tyrosine for life. I ran out awhile ago and haven't been taking.
I don't think my adrenals are too bad now, but wonder whether i should use the adrenal mix or version of it just as a support always. I ran out awhile ago, and just been taking some individual herbs, maca, milk thistle, gotu kola, and vitex.
Also a green drink with contains acerola cherry and floradix for the ferritin, plus some of the other supplements you recommend zinc, sublingual b12,foliac etc, vit c etc. I have not been taking the bitters for awhile. Is that alright to take if suspect liver damage.
You mention yuca and nettle.
Can you revise a mix for me using these.
for thyroid, adrenal support and liver support and healing.