I am going to do a 5th flush tomorrow. My last flush I did not use grapefruit but took a few sips of Classic Coke to wash the olive oil down with. It is the acid in either of these these that do the trick. I use Epsom Salts and I passed 3 pea sized green stones before I even had the olive oil. I know any doubt I had is gone now. By not eating fat on the day of the flush, pressure and bile builds up in the gallbladder. When you 'hit' it with that much oil at once, that causes the stones and gunk to squirt out of it. As for improvements, my skin looks better and my digestion is better as well. However, I am plagued with upper right back pain and a stiff neck and after asking Andreas about it, I understand I have a long way to go before it will go away. But after 5 years of 24/7 pain, I am in for the long haul and whatever it takes. :)