I saw on the Oprah show today a liver and gallbladder that a Dr. had recentlly removed. The Dr. was on the show stating that the G.B. produces stones and he had 4 stones laying on the table in front of him. They looked nothing like the stones I have passed or anything close to what the pictures on this website show. They were larger than grapes, and black. I have read on this site that a stone will melt once it is out of your body, so why hadnt these stones on the show melted, they were not in any solution, just sittibg on a table? Plus in Hulda Clark s books she states that the Epsom Salts relax the valves in our G.B. & liver ducts and this is what enables us to pass stones, then why the need for the olive oil, and grapefruit? I skipped the grapefruit on my 2nd flush and passed maybe 10 stones as compared to 200 on my 1st flush when I used the grapefruit. All this is just leading me to think that the stones are actually just a by-product of whatever is in the recipe you choose to use for your liver flush. Has anyone had any improvements on their health after passing stones? I would like to beleive the stones I pass are indeed Gallstones but Im still skeptical.