first of all, thank you for this huge amount of information. i am learning about this. i had one bump on and off for a few years. this year i found more. tried Clindamycin and it didn't do much.
my derm doesn't know much about it. the pathologist he works with is also puzzled. i will take this information with me tomorrow when i visit him. i am both happy and sad to have found this support group, i've been not knowing what to do for this and now i don't feel so alone. truly, i am sorry we all are suffering from it.
i posted on another thread what i did today topically. it felt great while it was on the effected area and i could feel it working. mine is on the lower half of my scalp, mostly in the back of my head and one above my ear. i am having a tough time healing the area that he took a sample from. its very sore and inflamed.