Re: Message removed by moderator
And with all due respect back I will say that here in this forum a person's freedom of speech to throw verbal fists around ends where another person's nose begins. Now, perhaps that means there is limited freedom of speech in this forum, though I daresay I am very tolerant of dissent - more so than some forums I am familiar with - and I very seldom moderate messages here. We just try to keep it a kinder and gentler forum than some others such as the debate forums. In that respect, it's probably a good thing that I also have my somewhat alter-ego ID of DQ, who can be a bit more of a rabble rouser.
Plus, the way I read your message, and perhaps I am wrong, was that it implied that most of the folks here at CZ are charlatans out to make a buck. I do not think that is true and know it is not true insofar as I am concerned. I also think that, whether it works or not, the poster was given some very good and caring advice from other members that went far beyond just making supplement recommendations.
I am not saying that your intentions weren't good, and if you would like to repost your information in a bit less abrasive manner please feel free to do so. I think you and I probably agree that proper diet and lifestyle are the two most important elements of building a good health foundation and promoting healing - and without those a person can spend a fortune and find only frustration chasing "cures in a bottle".
All the best,