What is necessary
Going beyond mind? I cant be sure of exactly what you are refering too here but generally speaking, I dont percieve any thing different than I, that I would call mind.
Something greater than us to flow thru---? no I see nothing greater or lesser than us so -----
Unique journey? You may see it that way, I see nothing to be considered unique in what I experience.
Free creation process? You are of course free to create or do as you please, to consider and describe things as is your play, trinity, perfect creation, ect, on it goes.
For me I find freedom in the unraveling of the process that had kept me caught in the web and syndrome of continued suffering. Nothing else seems important . Of course learning what accentuates or detracts by making mistakes and success'.
Perfect? Conventionally speaking that would imply an imperfect. My use is in unconventional parlence where it would imply that perfection best describes the reality of what is and always was. A complete ballance of things that is accorded by the source which sources and manifests as all things.
Language/discursive format being a subset and a less refined vibrational aspect is part of our delima in trying to understand things. This doesnt mean we cant describe things or reality, it only refers to the dificulty especially with those who believe the opposite orientation.
Its easy to focus out on others , to look for aspects which dont quite fit into our ideation , less easy to listen and look for the connecting aspects which is really the power, the saving grace and the summation of love.