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My thoughts
Johnny Vegas Views: 1,837
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 152,257

My thoughts

You need a controlled study:

1. You've asked people to put down what improvement in symptoms they have had through liver flushing. Now the problem with this is that most of us are following many protocols at once. People may attribute X to liver flushing, but how can you be sure? Causal disambiguation is non-trivial. So ideally you want people to be doing nothing but liver flushing.

2. "Many of the statistics I will draw from the study will only use data given by "experienced" flushers (defined maybe as over 5 flushes, or some other value?)"

Here is a problem with your protocol straight-off. By confining yourself to a self-selected group (e.g. people who have flushed > 5 times) you are automatically biasing your results. Your "statistics" as you call them, will therefore have no valid meaning.

People who have flushed 5 times (or more) are likely to be people who have benefited from Liver Flushing (one way or another). In other words a self-selecting group. So your survey may show that 100% of experienced liver flushers felt they derived benefit from liver flushing. But if they didn't feel they derived benefit, they wouldn't be experienced flushers in the first place!

Now if you want statistically meaningful information you need to start off with some kind of randomly selected group - e.g. go to a gall-bladder forum (not a Liver Flushing forum!) and find 20 volunteers (preferably who have never heard of liver flushing) to try liver flushing. Ideally you would also want a control group, perhaps using some other protocol (surgery??) or even just taking a placebo (e.g. just juice).

If you are testing Liver Flushing then you need to get your sample from elsewhere.

If you confine yourself to a liver flushing forum and/or "experienced flushers" then your results will be anecdotal, not statistically meaningful.

Saying 5 people found this useful is no different from saying 1 person found this useful. It is only by carrying out a controlled experiment that you can derive statistically meaningful restuls.

So that begs the question why are you doing this? If it is information gathering, then what information will you gather than can not be gleaned from this forum already? And how will you sort/organize and collate this morass of information? If your aim is to make liverflushing "more stable, reputable, and 'public'", then you need statistically meaningful results as you yourself point out:
"I hope to note multiple statistically significant incidences of disease remission."

The only way to do this is via a controlled study.



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