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Re: SURVEY (Phase I): Now is your chance to provide input into design!
Keep Flushin Views: 1,796
Published: 21 y
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Re: SURVEY (Phase I): Now is your chance to provide input into design!


What's the purpose of the survey?

I would think the survey should be limited to only the 8th Liver flush. Might narrow down and compress all the variables involved.

Also the survey should also be limited to only one kind of flush. Example only Dr. CLarks recipe for the survey to work.

Personally, I have only done 3 and my daughter has only done 2. Not enough to complile any worth while information. Besides that I really did not follow Dr. Clarks recipe on the first or the third. First time simply a goof. Second time I did. But the third I went off completely and followed my instincts.

Overall I have noticed one main congruency among flushers that my daughter lacks.

I have noticed my 12 year old does not have any of the "stagnant bile" "chaff" or the other as I have personally described as "unformed and formless stuff" and or the flakes of tan-yellow that float on top of the water.

What interests me most is finding out what people are doing AFTER the flush. I believe this is as important as to what build up to the flush.

What are they eating to replenish days after the flush?
What exercise are they getting in between flushes?
What additions or subtractions have they made to their lifestyle and eating habits since the last flush?

Good lusk with the surveys.
KF :-)

BTW: Did you ever post the results of your marvalous multi-oil flush? I searched I could not find it.



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