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Candida likes it why vinegar?
fungihomeworld Views: 6,636
Published: 16 y

Candida likes it why vinegar?

So much helpful advice on the internet about using
vinegar baths to knock down candida..or drinking vinegar
to accomplish the same internally.
If candida likes an acid environment...why would using
vinegar on the skin kill off candida fungus?

Hey, don't look at me..I just bathe in the stuff.
For the last 9 days..a quart of apple vinegar in the tubby..which drags the pH down to 6. Not a huge difference, but my fungaled skin is sore enough, thank you...not in any hurry to do further damage by pushing the bath water to a pH of 5..or 4..My left arm already looks more like a burn than a fungus attack..but it's fungus..have
hundreds of photographs of all kinds of disguises...their fave is hiding under a scab..looks like it's healing..but it's not..pop the top and its a pile of melted skin goo
with the fungi in there..partying.]
[it would really be nifty, if all the "candida experts" on the internet would get on the same page..I would bet that the tons of virtual ink spilled on the "candida pH" question split almost exactly down the middle..half of the
"google enabled experts" proclaim that candida prefers
alkaline..the other half insist just the opposite. I'm betting with the "candida prefers acidity" crowd..since
yeasts tend to roll that way..acidic..thats how the vinegar
got that way. And candida is a yeast..or at least starts out as one before it goes fungal.

which brings me back to the question..why vinegar in a bath to stop..or at least annoy the candida? Seems to me that you are just giving it what it wants..a more acidic
skin environment to dig into. 9 vinegar baths in a row
with no observable improvement in the quantity of damaged skin and candida blisters leave me in grave doubt.
Vinegar bath feels nice..I see a LOT of tiny crap left behind in the bath water..but kill the candida fungus?

[ I hear very tiny laughter nearby..from THEM.]



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