Re: intolerance is good! Bingo!...
We have a legal system in our country that deals with violence and lawlessness, these things exist in every society, why on earth do you think that I am blind to these crimes in my own. I am not 'brainwashed' by PC, and I doubt very much lulu is either. Thats a cop out, everyone who doesn't agree with your values, beliefs and views, is somehow brainwashed.
I have no problem with Moslems, Christians or any other religious people, practicing their chosen religion, (and this is the main point), WITHIN THE LAW. No person should be expected to tolerate crimminal behaviour from any person, immigrant or otherwise, this is why we have laws, and this is also why we have freedoms.
I'm very happy to live in a country, where, whatever your background, race, gender, or religion, you are subject to the same judicial system as everyone else.
Nobody has total freedom, not here, not anywhere.