I'm on week 2 of the McCombs plan and I'm noticing something very odd. Recently I've been sleeping around 2AM and waking up @ 7AM each day. I wake up feeling slightly dehydrated even though I get about 3 liters of water per day (I'm 140lbs). I usually end up taking Candida Force, then eating a meal 30 minutes later and I eventually fall back asleep by 9AM for a good 3 hours. But I haven't been able to sleep more than 5 consecutive hours in the past 5 days. Have other patients experienced a similar issue? Is it something I should or can address? For reference, I use the sauna almost every day and find that the days when I do not, I get a slight sore throat (seems like die off symptoms). I'm in there for a good 30 minutes minimum and sometimes upwards of an hour. I also do cardiovascular excercise at least twice a week in the form of jumping rope.