Good to see your post.
The last 2 weeks have seen me depressed, weeping and ready to give up the quest. Yesterday, after feeling so plugged up I've felt almost nauseous, decided to take the radical route, buying a Fleet enema. Considered calling my physician.
Last night, even though I didn't want to, ate a litte dinner since despite the fullness, still get hungry and feel very dehydrated (in spite of the water intake)most of the time.
Most of the time I'm sleepy--no matter how much rest I get--and feeling like I've been in a fight with 6 crazed maniacs, totally deplete of energy.
After dinner last night had organic apple juice and warm water rest of evening. Went to bed with major pain in the usual spot--between navel and pubic bone. Did not do the enema, nor a B/P shake. Slept fitfully.
This morning, still trying to finish a 50-page research paper due tomorrow, and feeling headachy, so took in again only the apple juice, some chicken broth, bilberry tea w/out
Sugar and acidophilus capsules throughout morning.
Happy to say there has been a small movement: somewhat ropey, w/what looked like a few parasites, smooth but not well-formed.
However, the pain is gone, as well as that "about-to-burst" feeling. It's now 2PM and I still haven't eaten anything, nor done a shake today. Continue to hear "bowel sounds", which I take as positive. Also continuing w/nothing but liquids, and abdominal crunches. About to take a break from writing the paper and go for a walk.
Know I still have a long way to go, but just wanted to let you know that your post was very encouraging. Guess it pays to stick with it.
Cheers, my friend