Must watch the show Monsters inside me and go to their website. Most tests are inconclusive anyway and i have read that they are not worth it. If you go to
and read dr lynn jennings newsletters and read the books by doug kaufman on fungus you will get help. Difulcan and nystatin, i have read are very helpful. its trying to get a doctor that knows this stuff and not call you crazy to prescribe it. dr Lynn Jennings is in texas and i really want to go to her but its far. I did the dr natura Colon Cleanse for three months and it helps because it is so easy. It has all the ingredients to fight parasites in the capsules you take in the morning. It really helps and if you do the PHASE ONE diet on the website know the cause and get the what Im told and have read will help the most. Get the probiotics with the dr natura Colon Cleanse and read all of the testimonials on the dr natura site. Make sure you read all of dr lynn jennings case histories newsletters on knowthe cause site as I found these incredibly helpful!