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Re: wear an herbal bouquet (lavender;-)
spudlydoo Views: 1,157
Published: 16 y
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Re: wear an herbal bouquet (lavender;-)

My partner is a very non-stressed guy usually, and everyone has been very helpfull getting him up to speed on what he needs to do, so he's a bit more relaxed about it this morning. It will all work out I'm sure, these things do have a tendancy to happen at weddings.

I've often wondered why, with these events being so terribly stressfull, do people put themselves through all this stuff. Same with christmas, and other stressfull days. A lot of it seems so unnecessary. Christmas is the time of year when most domestic violence occurs and the most car accidents etc etc, its all gotten a bit out of hand.

The build up and expectation of the day being perfect is sooo unrealistic, and almost designed to dissappoint. Sometimes I feel like shaking people and telling them, "Its just ONE day" , in 24 hours it will be all over and you will be the ones paying it off for the next five years.

Oh well, back to the lab....



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