Try not to make yourself sick over it. I am 13 weeks post and still get the numby/ tingly feeling, but nothing like it was. I am slowly getting better. The left side of my head would tingle/buzz really bad when I had Mirena and I now only get a wierd tension feeling on my temples. My left leg would fall asleep(stillworked) and rarely does anymore. I don't want to go to a neuro. I am going to ride it out.Plus, I would have to pay out of pocket.(deductible plan) Thare was a person who gave a very good description of MS symptoms from her neuro. Something about how you need to have a couple of episodes of paralyzation, before they say it's for sure MS. I think it was maybe lisa0819, not sure. It helped calm my nerves somewhat. Best of luck and please keep us posted.It was mom2TnE that gave the good MS info.