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Published: 16 y
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Running long distances like that is bodily abuse, the same as smoking, etc. It's very hard on the knee joints, and no animal is designed to run long distances over excessive periods of time. Only short bursts. Think *

When's the last time you met a person over 80 who ran regularly, long distances when they were young ? You won't and the reason is, that running is hard on the body, wears it out. These people are freaks, who run excessively and compulsively. When I run, I go an eight mile or quarter mile, just enough to get the oxygen flowing, then stop, like the other animals only doing it in bursts. I could push myself and burn time and energy and age my body by abusing it, but I'm not that type. When I want to go far distances, I take the bus.

I prefer swimming as exercise, plus you can take your clothes off. Naked runners get ticketed. Only a true pansy would ever write a ticket to a skinny dipper.

It's fairly easy to know what zonked these three and its not dehydration.



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