Hi ShannonU! I just had to look up what organ is at it's peak time on the Traditional Chinese Medicine 24-hour organ cycle diagram (http://www.internalhealers.com/tcm/acupuncture/qicycle.asp) and the peak time for the gallbladder is 11pm to 1am!
So, your husband's fever at 11pm each night is indicating that his gallbladder is having some trouble...has he done a liver/gallbladder flush?
Also, the 3-Day Apple Fast is an excellent detoxifier. Check out the Edgar Cayce Forum for info on that. PTree just did it prior to a liver flush, I'm on it right now and will do a Liver Flush on Tuesdsay...and NoFlush has done it too...it seems the perfect way to detox and prepare for a flush...especially since Edgar Cayce said to take Olive-Oil at the end of the fast!