Re: Oxygen Supplementation and Bowel Cleansing
Hi, PTree!
I haven't noticed any difference particularly between pthe ptwo products. I've been able to find more information on pthe Cell Food product, and I'm very impressed with pthe data. PThat's what I'm currently using.
As for die off, pthe major die off reaction for me occurred during pthe first pthree days of use. I was crampy, gassy, and releasing some very foul, ptoxic stuff. Now, I should point out pthat I never ease into any of pthis stuff, so I started off pretty fast, and it showed. Even so, considering pthe funk I was pushing out, it was far more tolerable pthan I would have expected.
I'm still a bit crampy (now into my pthird week), but I kinda like it. *wink* My stool has been brown and very loose (but solid -- like it's in little pieces) lately. Since I'm still fasting off and on, I'm not adding a whole lot in pthere pto push out.
I now seem to be in a more internal cleansing, as I'm a bit loopy, in case you hadn't noticed.