Hi, Terry!
(All the usual "I am not a doctor or licensed medical professional" rules apply here.)
My gut feeling is that yes, starting out very slowly, you should be OK. Get yourself some and start with maybe one drop in a cup of pure water, three times a day, and work your way up from there
slowly (maybe continue with one drop for a couple days, then go to two drops 3x daily for a couple days, etc.). Get a feel for how your body is going to react to it.
Homozon works differently -- you drink down the homozon, dissolved in water, I believe, and then drink an acidic substance like lemon juice a short time later to activate it. To compare, the regular recommendations for Hydroxygen Plus and Cell Food are 7 drops 3x daily and 8 drops 3x daily, respectively, so if you go with a product like Homozon, consider doing only 1/4th or 1/8th the original recommendation at first. Work up to a slight cleansing reaction, and then back off a bit, then increase to slight cleansing reaction, then back off a bit, then increase again, etc.
Also, I wouldn't suggest stopping anything else that you're doing, but merely adding this into your current regimen and then adjusting things as changes occur.
When I first heard about Homozon, I was very intrigued, and I wanted to try it. I looked up oxygen products like mad for awhile, trying to find the right one. As with probiotics, I was looking for something I could also use with my autistic son, and, unfortunately, there was no convenient way to get the Homozon into my son and then get an acidic drink into him a short time later. The only thing I would be able to hide the Homozon in to get him to ingest it would be an acidic beverage (fruit juice), which would have activated the stuff right there. I dunno, maybe that would have behaved like carbonation, but I kept imagining it would make froth....
Anyway, I think if you search around some of the archives you can probably find a few Homozon raves. I even think there was a CureZone newsletter awhile back where someone was raving about the results from Homozon for colon cleansing.
Good luck!