Re: DE/Silica
I did not know it has alumunium in DE?Is it harmful Hv.
Raw DE does contain aluminum oxide. It is believed though that the aluminum does nto present a problem because the silica binds the aluminum preventing it from harming the body. This is the same concept that people claim zeolites (aluminum silicates) do not pose a problem for body. Zeolites are becoming a popular detox tool recently from MLM marketing. I have used them for many years in my aquariums. They are sold in aquarium stores under the name "ammonia remover". So far none of my fish show any signs of Alzheimer's. Actually my concern about the ingestion of aluminum silicates is whether or not the stomach acid will have any action on the release of the aluminum from the aluminum silicate. I have not seen any studies one way or the other. So I work with purified DE that has been treated with acid to remove the mineral oxides then rewashed and dried. But the raw material suppliers do not sell to the general public.
Personally I don't think that the aluminum is going to present much of a problem. The amount in minimal to the amount of silica, so there is more than enough silica to bind all the aluminum. And phytates, pectins and algins in or diet are effective metal chelators. So the risk of aluminum toxicity is pretty much zero.
We are actually exposed to more lead through our diet than aluminum. Luckily silica, phytates, pectins and algins also help to remove these.