Re: DE/Silica
As per Hv's guidance, I have tried unsuccessfully to find silicon dioxide instead of DE to use in drinking water. I am wondering if horsetail grass powder would be a sufficient alternative for silica. I am trying to avoid anything with aluminum in it, and DE has aluminum in it. Any help would be greatly appreciated...thanks!!!
I don't like horsetail grass (shavegrass) because it contains nicotine and constricts the blood vessels. This can be a problem for people with heart disease, diabetes, Raynaud's disease or phenomena, people taking NSAIDs, etc.
Horsetail cannot be stored in water long term either as it will cause molding. You can supplement with silica sources although you will not get as much silica in to your system as you would with adding silica to your water. If you want to go herbal though my choices in order would be bamboo (7 times higher in silica than horsetail and dilates the blood vessels), nettle leaf, couch grass, seaweeds and butcher's broom.
Another option is to find play sand at the hardware store. This is pure sand, not dirt. The sand again is primarily silicon dioxide. You can heat it in the oven to burn out any possible impurities and to kill any bacteria before adding to your water. Look for a very fine sand for a higher surface area, not the coarse sand. And again add it to the water and let it settle out before drinking.