I read both of your posts...the mucous and odor are probably the result of disrupted intestinal flora as a result of the Antibiotics ...and possibly the infection clearing out of your system...although it sounds like you might have caught a bug, too. The Antibiotics you are taking may also be addressing infection from the diverticulitis...hence improvement in the pain. I don't know about a direct relationship between tooth and bowel infection...but they are certainly related indirectly....your immune system may have been compromised from the long-term infection in your tooth and not have been able to fight off the infection in your colon. It would be a good idea for you to do a good Colon Cleanse once you've healed from your surgery...and then use a good probiotic to replace beneficial bacteria. Also...go easy on the pain meds...they can cause constipation. Motrin is quite effective for dental pain and does not create as much a problem with constipation as most prescribed pain meds do.