Help, please - anyone with experience with Pawpaw?
My father-in-law was diagnosed with stage IV metastatic colon cancer at the beginning of this month, and told he has six months or less to live - very devastating, as he is only 54 years old and is the much-beloved patriarch of the family. The cancer has spread to his liver and stomach; very little of his liver is left, but we're already discussing a partial-liver transplant from either my husband or myself if we can get the cancer to stop spreading and start shrinking.
I've devoted roughly 30 hours over the last week to researching various alternative treatments, and the one I finally settled on was pawpaw, after poring over the results of about thirty studies on the efficacy of its acetogenins (really impressive results!). I ordered a four-month supply of Pawpaw Cell Reg from Nature's Sunshine and he started taking it as soon as it arrived, so that'll be a week tomorrow.
Although the results of the studies have been remarkable, to put it mildly, I'm still trying to get some feedback from people who have had direct experience with this method of treatment, so I'm very fortunate to have found because there seem to be a quite a few people on here who have either used it themselves, or know someone who has. Can anyone please relate the story of their experience with Pawpaw, and let me know if they've found success or failure with this treatment?
For the record, I've also put him on a mostly-organic, high-alkaline diet to help him get his pH back up to the 7.2 - 7.5 range, cut out virtually all processed foods and most sugar, carbohydrates, meat (he can still have chicken and fish sometimes), and dairy, and he's taking one teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) dissolved in 8
oz. of water twice a day. He's also making sure to spend one to two hours a day outside for adequate vitamin D production (less than that won't cut it; he's very dark-skinned) and he's getting some light exercise each day as well. Does anyone have any other recommendations for secondary therapies that they have found effective? I have to get this right the first time around, because he doesn't have enough time left for a second try...