I think I'm sold on your McCombs plan and I'll be ordering the complete set in the very near future. My one and only question is...can I eat an unlimited amount of food on the yes list? I am 140lbs and 5'9 and it is extremely hard for me to maintain my bodyweight. I was eating 4000 calories a day at one point just to get to 160lbs.
For example, assuming I'm taking all your supplements, can I eat
1lb of organic beef
.5lb of organic chicken
2 cups of brown rice
2 avocado's
1/4 lb of shrimp
3 whole boiled eggs
1 apple
1 grapefruit
a day/every day and still be following the plan properly? I don't have issues avoiding sugars but the quantity of food that I prefer to eat is extremely large and I just don't want that to be detrimental to my success.