Re: Vitreous Detachment-Eye Problem
Although Schulze does not say if it will help that particular disease he does say it worked with all types of eye disease including glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and even blindness.
If you do decide to do, it you should read my two posts here for more on it,m how to make it and what schulze said to do with it.
as far as your teas you are taking, be sure they are organic or wildcrafted as these contain 7-10 times the phytochemicals that cure and prevent diseases than conventional herbs.
also Dr Christopher and schulze recommend only using distilled or steam distilled water for teas as it is empty and extracts more of the the phytochemicals from the herb. Better still are alcohol based tinctures as the alcohol extracts chemicals that the water cannot.
The average tincture dose is 2 dropperfuls (60 drops) 3-5 times a day but schulze recommends using his eyewash more frequently (see links above for his interview). If you weigh much less or more than 150 pounds, use clark's rule for dosing.
If you have not seen his chapter on eye diseases (which the interview linked above was excerpted from) from his save your life series and the videos, email me and ask for the links.