A Post NDE perspective of angels and chronic pain
I have broken my neck three times...
My pain is zero now... An acupuncturist fixed me after my second broken neck(20 years after my NDE) and a neuromuscular massage therapist fixed me after my
third broken neck... That was when I first started posting at CureZone... I think the spirit guides and angels must have seen that I
was fading after my third broken neck and cut me some slack... put some sign
posts in my life to lead me to the healers I ran across... I try to pay real
close attention now...to avoid any more train wrecks...
I have done my share of writing though... 10 people's shares... and ten people's shares of writhing in pain... During some
bouts of extremely severe pain...I would just beg... over and over... I just want to go home... over and
over./. Pain to me is often our bodies telling us we must do something
different... but it may not be universal... Pain for others might be something
else... but for me... I believe it means I need to do something to change my condition...
I have seen angels... childlike ones at 9.3 to 9.8 pain... They were chasing
each other around the room laughing... just as I was contemplating...
contemplating... contemplating not needing to be in this world...
Another time a spouse told me to go kill myself and I was in so much physical and
emotional pain I went into my back house... took a rope... made a noose... threw
it over a beam... tied off the rope... put the noose around my neck... the chair started squeaking as
I rocked back and forth... and then I heard children playing right outside the
door and thought how terrible it would be if children found me,,, I looked out
the door and there was no one there...
I once saw two angels standing back to back standing towering over a
neighborhood I was volunteering in... One Facing East and the other West... one
with a sword and the other a shield....
I ask for angels to watch over my little ones these days....
Pain can be used to tune us up to put us in tune with the other side as well... I wouldn't take the
drugs they gave me for pain even when it was up to 9.6 pain as for me it stopped the quiet still voice in me... I once
flushed my pills down the toilet but then I thought about the poor fishies and
just quit getting them from the VA Hospital... When imminent death was approaching though... My body made me take the drugs...
Grounding me or grinding me... pain is often a tool used by extra spiritual
beings to manipulate us... A child only puts his fingers into a flame once but
as adults we will often keep stewing in the pot of pain... like the boiling
frog... I did it for 25 years... Moving out of the boiling pot... I hope my current painless state will
Talking about and writing about my NDE takes me to place where there is no pain... It helps a little and puts of thinking about my pain or my problems... Dorothy dreaming of home... If I could only click my heels... Sometimes I feel like a bad boy who is being kept from going back home until I "get it." I know that hundreds of people have come and gone after reading about my Near Death Experience and keep rambling about... 6 years later... It might be a bore to some who have heard it all before but I just can't help talking about it... It seems I will just remember it and some new way of saying the same thing comes out... It is almost as if the keyboard has a mind of its own,,,
Laughter helped too...
Laughter may not be the cure but sometimes I could forget... go to that place of
joyous laughter... and be in the presence of the Light who laughed in front of
me with so much joy that I most every day wake up smiling... even if it ends
poorly by nightfall... in the stillness of the morning... I rarely feel pain...
Love, Light, Laughter, And a Joyful Morning to each and everyone of you who are going through severe or chronic pain... I have been where you are for decades at a time... but if you are here it is because you still have some light to give and receive,,,