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Re: Feel sick prior to bowel movements, but fine after bowel movements
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Re: Feel sick prior to bowel movements, but fine after bowel movements

Figuring out what you are infected with is half the battle. It took me a long time...a lot of money too.

Herbs/Clarkia are good for targeting many species, whereas Rx drugs are species specific. Although Rx drugs are shunned upon by most sites like this, they were actually key in determining exactly what I had. If one med didn't work...I moved on to the next.

Couple notes of interest, collidal silver does not work on parasites. Although candida is classified as a parasite, it is also classified as fungus. It works mostly on single celled organisms. Clarkia also works well on candida.

You may read some of my posts recommending large doses. Some might be critical of this, but I feel that too much is better than not enough. Otherwise they build up tollerance. Which has somehow become the case with me. Superworms! As far as Clarkia goes, take it from me, it is safe to use...even in huge doses. And somedays the side effects from the alcohol is an added blessing! (lol)

UPDATE: I noticed that you are taking Oil of Oregano. Hmmm...not sure what exactly to say about that. In the beginning of all this, I thought it was the magical answer to the issues I was having. I bought the book "The Cure is in the Cupboard". Over the course of several months I probably drank nearly a liter of the stuff. As potent and corosive as that stuff is, I question whether it has the right kind of strength in dealing with parasites. Perhaps candida and other single celled organisms, but like most other herbs, candida quickly builds a tollerance to it. And I didn't use the watered down variety. I used 100% pure...and minimally diluted it myself. Yikes...I'm starting to sweat just thinking about it! lol

At any rate, for anyone that is looking for it in 100% pure (farm grown) undiluted bottles, liqui-gel caps, and dried plant caps at a reasonable price, it can be purchased from Survival Enterprises.


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