Re: Ear infection
Boiled water would be fine,
Lugols sterilizes the water anyway. He won't get a yellow stained ear if you just swabbing the ear canal, and any
Iodine stain will be absorbed by the skin anyway, overnight is plenty of time.
I've also used this method to treat ear infections in both my grandkids , 3 year old and 18 months old, with good results. Both had middle ear infections, but the
Lugols still worked.
The ear blockage is probably due to the build up of pus, once the infection is under control it will clear.
Just one other thing, make sure that when the infection is gone, wash any pillowcases, towels etc , that he's been using in really hot water, you don't want him reinfecting through contact with any pus or gunk coming out of the ear.
Its also a good idea to have him wash his hair, particularly if its longer or around his ears.
hope this helps,