'tis your choice Will, to be disappointed, or, to look a little more wide-angle (see the panoramic view, as it were)
I don't think you are getting what locking refers to (in my mind at least :-)) I was thinking it might be good to stop all posts *for the duration*, since ML is not there, and Celsius had begun frothing.
Such ado about nothing. My only concern now is that the self-appointed ML faithful might actually rally for a martyring of ML, based on some complete fabrication of his sufferings, forgetting that sometimes everyone could use a time out.
oops. Forgot my vow. Last post from me. I didn't want to leave you gasping in disppointment.
edit: for the confused. WIEL said he was disappointed with me, flet I was being non-supportive of ML, and perhaps didn't like the guy.