Re: A few qns about DE... hope you all don't mind?
To all of you who take DE, how long does 1lb last you? 15 days? 1 month? 'Cos I'm trying to find food grade DE and I can only find 1 source so far in my country(shipping from US would be too expensive!). And I'd like to plan in advance.
It depends on how you are using it. I personally add a tablespoon to a gallon of water and change it every 6 months. If you do it this way then a pound is a lifetime supply. If you are going to ingest it for parasites this is only an occasional thing anyway, so it will still last quite a while. A pound is actually a lot since it is not very dense.
Also, is DE suitable for people who've lung issues(bronchitis)? I don't really want to choke on the powder.
Yes, it is excellent for chronic bronchitis along with vitamin C. These help to restore elastin in the lungs. If you are not using as a parasite cleanse I would stick to adding it to your water and letting it settle out before drinking the water.
I really apologise for the recent barrage of questions.
No problem, that is why we are all here to ask questions and to answer questions. It is all about learning for all of us.