Re: Tooth infection - CS any good for it?
Citricidal is a product I have used with great sucess for this problem. This is grapefruit seed (NOT grape seed!) extract in a suspension of glycerine; 5 - 15 drops stirred in water at night - next morning pain gone. It's a natural antibiotic/antiviral and has many other uses as colon cleanse, anti-fungal, cold cure (back up with echinacea) and antiseptic. In dilution it is a safe douche for vaginal infections, soak for athlete's foot and is safe for children. Dabbed neat on insect bites it stops itching. For mouth ulcers, gum problems, sore throat, etc, swish around mouth before swallowing.
The taste is bitter of course so I use only one third of a glass of water. That way there's less bitterness to swallow although the taste dissipates swiftly. If you use too little water it's apt to burn the throat. Orange juice masks the taste pretty well so is a better bet for kids and cissies!
I have been using this for ten years and have recommended and given to many people who promptly forget to use it in emergencies. The only ones who don't are those with
root canal pain; it works so well that it makes believers of them.
PLEASE NOTE; I have observed that whenever my health becomes compromised in some other area the gums start to get sensitive again. I figure me body is fighting battles elsewhere and neglecting the teeth so it's a kind of barometer of underlying problems and the reason I am at this site.
I had
Amalgams removed, Huggins method, years ago but am now facing extensive dental reconstruction and don't want to put expensive crowns on questionable roots. Two days ago I found reference to zapping on one of these sites and would like to know if this is a permanent cure. Which is more effective; Clark or Beck protocols? There's so much info to wade through so any pointers would be greatly appreciated.