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Re: Tooth infection - CS any good for it?
lightstream Views: 32,114
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Re: Tooth infection - CS any good for it?

I just brushed my teeth with black-walnut hull juice. I swished the juice in my mouth where my molars are. I bit down hard on the handle-end of the toothbrush (on the tooth that hurts, the back molar) while swishing, & then brushed some more around the gum and tooth with the juice. My molar-roots no longer hurt with hard pressure, well, not for another 12 hours or so. Miracle-Mineral-Supplement does the same thing for me. Both are very powerful for doing what they do.
I swallowed.
My whole head feels like a BIG GIANT WALNUT! When I breath, I can feel walnut-fumes in my sinuses. After brushing my tongue with the stuff, it burned like cloves, or habaneros, or oregano oil, and I just sat down & drooled like a zombie for the next few minutes.

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