Re: My candida hell--Terrible BRAIN FOG! Am I on the right track?
There, there - you WILL get better. I know how lonely you are. I know how horrendous extreme brain fog is.
It will take time, but learn all you can about the body - adrenals were the last place I looked for a possible cause for my problem and I might have found relief sooner, but I was in the FOG !! ! You know what I mean.
And we both know what large globs of Candida look like, so don't let anyone or any test tell you it is not what you know it is. Mine looked like the images found in the CZ
Image Gallery and elsewhere on the Web. I have what I consider an 88% recovery from the worst of Candida - and this is due to attention to diet, herbs and supplements, but mostly due to taking responsible measures - it is MY body, so I had to learn daily what I needed to do and stop handing myself over to traditional medicine, who were kind enough to prescribe ANTI-biotics to me more than 40 times, and yes they work like CHEMO - wiping out the good with the bad.
Someday you may also know that your illness was the best thing that happened, not the worst. You are on a journey to health that can transform your life.
It might be time to try something to address the adrenal exhaust at the root of this. I found that rotation of my regimin was helpful. I have made quick improvement with some of the protocal at The Truth in Medicine forum - with Hv's suggested DE, digestive bitters and the additon of Magnesium, and he also suggests several herbs for adrenal function that I am eager to try.
RESEARCH these things.
I know it's difficult with brain Fog, and you may have to read something several times and save a zillion files, but you can do it. I found relif in small ACV enemas - only 2-3 in a week to help evacuate candida in the bowel - had a BIG lifting of fog as a result! I don't recommend Liver flushing, though have never tried - bitters will naturally
flush your liver . DE will do many great things, as well as slicing and dicing any
parasite life - and although Candida is naturally found in your intestinal flora it is a
parasite in its rhizome form. Hang in there - it will get better.
Candida Support Forum helped save my life through the worst of it. It's good you are not staying in the background like a ghost - post frequently - ask questions - RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH !