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Re: Healing acid reflux?

 Thanks again. Smile You're really awesome.Sealed

Is there a complete chart/page detailing what sources trimethylglycine(betaine) is found in?

It is derived from beets, primarily the leaves.

I've looked up various sites but all the information is fairly scattered or if not, scarce. And I tend to highly doubt information sources that can't be verified. I'm staying away from bitters since they contain alcohol: my body dislikes that stuff.

Just use a bitter herb powder. You could use gentian, mugwort, jiaogulan, picrorrhiza, etc. Just put a pinch in the mouth and suck on the powder for 5-10 seconds before swallowing. That way you you get the bitter effect without any alcohol.

The rest? I should be fine, I'm already eating 1 egg everyday and trying to include more dark green vegetables. Also, any accurate resource which shows an overall chart/table of exactly which vitamins/acids/etc./ and what amounts are needed everyday? 

Not really. This varies from person to person. For example a person who smokes or is under high stress will need a higher intake of vitamin C. A person on Prednisone will have a higher need for vitamin C and potassium. An alcoholic will need more B vitamins and magnesium. Diabetics more chromium and magnesium. Women on birht control or other hormones more B6...................

As for vitamin pills, I'm taking NKO(Source Naturals Neptune Krill Oil): 2 pills and 1 ubiquinol pill(100mg Healthy Origins) before going to bed. Will that help with healing? 

Not exactly sure what you are trying to heal. But the krill oil is going to mainly help with cholesterol, triglycerides and inflammation. The ubiquinol helps with ATP formation so that is good, but you need at elast 200mg daily.

Hmmm... isn't comfrey bad for your liver because of "pyrrolizidine alkaloids"?

Yes, if fresh. But the alkaloids are quickly destroyed through oxidation after drying. So they are destroyed after about 2 months after drying.

About gotu kola, I might be able to get it. Though since ubiquinol tends to cause my body to burn, I might suspend that while I'm on gotu.

And also sheez... I need to start sleeping early. It's 4.10 a.m. right now.


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