--I do have to Admit--
Hi Ya'll,
I do have to admit I may get carried away sometimes!
Like in the latest spate on the webmaster forum!
When I realized I was being drawn in by these workers of iniquity, I Stopped replying to their every post.
I do not always remember the importance of: answer not a fool in his or her Folly!
I am but human, subject to the wiles of the Devil like everyone else!
Life goes on, now the question is what are we going to do about it?
If we sit and laminate over spilled milk, what have we learned?
We must pull up our boots and start walking again!
As you can see I make Poor choices every once in awhile, so do not feel alone when you are Suffering from your poor choices!
The Question is What are We going to do about it?
Are we willing to do better, or crawl into a Hole and pull the dirt in over us?
Cause And Effect!
Choose Life or Death this Day!
Smile Tis your choice.