Re: --Flushing Hysteria--
Yes, it's frustrating to see people who live a purge/binge (on acid foods) lifestyle, knowing that they are on a merry-go-round that never ends. It's an ironic lifestyle to remove and replace, remove and replace, being one's own worst enemy, and not even recognizing it. A lot of that is due to medical/food propaganda that has been absorbed and taken in to very deep levels of consciousness. Sad, frightening and angering because somebody knows what they are doing with this programming.
Obviously I buy your overall argument, but what about dealing with past mistakes that have caused accumulation of gall/liver stones? As a temporary tool it certainly seems to work.
Also, the stated reason for using the epsoms would not be to use their acids to dissolve anything. It would be to use the magnesium to relax the bile ducts. I hope that is not a fallacy of chemistry, but in any case that is the lore.
What do you think of the lore?
Ciao ...