--answer--Iodine Poisoning catching up to folks--
Hi Di,
Your question: Hi, ML!
Could U provide a link to the thread above???
Some of our regulars who have made same mistake in the past may want to post there or private mail this individual.
They may be at a point where they may accept help???
GTW, It will ot be me! Thank goodness I found this forum b4 trying something like that.
Answer: The person is un-willing to change from her Poor choices, as she is just making other Poor choices as we speak.
Like some say she is jumping out of the Frying pan into the Pot!
Had I seen a willingness on her part to change for the better, I may have given link?
I did not want to point fingers at her personally, thus Why I did not provide more info.
Remember we can lead a horse to water, but cannot force it to drink!
She is fully aware of this forum.
Cause and Effect!
Smile Tis your choice.