--Why do some get Upset when I stand Firm--
Hi Ya'll,
I do not blow with the Wind like many folks do who are riding the fence worried about what others think about them because of their position on Life!
Too many folks Blow with the wind like most Politicians, who promise folks whatever they want to hear, just to get their votes, then Screw these same folks with Higher taxes and continue to take our Freedoms away!
Life is about Right vs Wrong and I for one am trying to stand for what is Right and Just in Life!
I am against Evil of any kind and Hope I shall always stand this ground!
Could it be that those who get upset with me may be those who Fail to have any backbone and are riding that fence and Blow with the Wind?
After all, if we are doing Right, then what difference does it make what others say about us?
Could it be that most folks who get upset, know they are Failing to do what is Right?
Surely it could not be this Simple?
Could it be?
Cause and Effect!
Choose Life or Death this Day!
Smile Tis your choice.