--#116107--So Sad!
Hi #116107
Your comment: Sorry Dude... I read both forums, and yours does not allow any other opinions than your own or those who agree with you. This is a highly censored forum, and because of that, the information here is suspect. Plain and simple. Now... erase my comment.
Answer: Where is your Support or for that matter where is your Seeking for Truth in Healing?
Oh, I just about forgot you did say you are reading this forum, so there may be a small chance some of the Truth shall soak in?
It would be Sad to see you make a fool out of yourself.
We wouldn't want you to do this.
Please learn some Common Sense.
I shall leave your comment for everyone to see your intentions and Judge for themself as your actions speak louder than words.
I have no idea where you have gotten all these Foolish ideas in your head?
This forum Freely shares these Truths in Healing as may be seen by these Many Success Testimonials:
This is the only forum on curezone Freely sharing these Truths in Healing with as Many Success Testimonials, which is not trying to take YOUR Hard Earned Money!
Please open your mind to some Truth.
It may Feel Good?
You may even enjoy learning some Truth?
Cause and Effect!
Choose Life or Death this Day!
Smile Tis your choice.