I'm playing catch up from two weeks of being away. I'm reading and studying in between the to-do list. Thank you all for the info. Perhaps after I finish my first IP I can go help him or maybe someone will want to. I know his family has been primarily allopathic so I'm going to pose this to them and hope I get somewhere with it. Something keeps eeeping into the man that says it's an electrical misfiring that's hugely spiritual. I know it can manifest physically and then it's hard to tell which came first - the chicken or the egg. I thought of EFT too but that's almost comedic when you think of how much tapping someone with Parkinson's goes through on a day to day basis. Hey - we have to laugh at ourselves right? I mean - a year ago I asked Trapper what he thought about my chronic vaginal pain and he said, 'with a name like 'Helfinger' is there any question?' lolololol