Re: i can't breath !!! please somebody help me !!!
Yeah, the only thing is, I DO NOT TRUST DOCTORS ! I've never had nor do I know anyone who has had a Doctor help them. Everyone I know that went to get help through the mainstream health care has ended up either way worse off or dead. My brother-in-law was treated with radiation and they "accidentally" gave him way too much and destroyed his voice box and now he has to use an electronic voice machine. My brother was in remission from his leaukemia and went in for a bone marrow transplant and was given gangegreen(may not be spelled correctly) and left the hospital in a body bag. That's only after 2 1/2 months of pure torture cutting away at him bit-by-bit. My husband's cousin went in for a simple rash, they gave her steroids and her husband woke up the next morning next to his dead wife. She had a heart problem(which her medical records clearly showed) and the "rash" or the treatment for it killed her. These are only a few of an endless list of "bad results" from MD's. So, no thanks but any "professional" advice is totally out of the question !!! I already know that I have low potassium, bad thyroid, my lymph system is clogged causing major swelling in my feet and legs and sometimes other places.I have a yeast problem(goes along with the
parasites more often then not)a very bad colon that even today probably has some toxic undigested food from the 1970's. I constantly from as early as age 5-6 have had constipation. These days if I stay on my casagara and senna I can have decent bowel movements otherwise going 1-2 times a week is considered to be the "norm" for me. So I prefer to go to an herbalist and find remedies. It's just I didn't take care of myself for so long, now I'm trying to fix a bunch of stuff. I'm most likely not doing it in the right order though. I mean where do I start?
Oh did I mention my metabolism is a big fat 0. I'm bigger now then even when I was pregnant. That right there would make you think "DAA" that's why I can't breath !! But, I've been this big for 3-4 years now and never had any trouble climbing the stairs or any endurance problems for that matter till these danged worms scattered all over during my first attempt to get rid of them. You should have seen the way they attacked me from the inside when my bowels didn't work when I really needed them to!!!(That's when I researched and found the senna and casagara to use and found relief through them) There were a multitude of little tiny pin size itchy bumps come to the surface when I took a really hot shower and didn't have a filter on my shower yet. the clorine must have pissed them off along with the chinese cleanse. It was unbearable, the itch and pain was unexplainable !!! My friend was here when I got out of the shower and witnessed the attack !!! She was freaking right along with me !! They were trying to chew their way through my skin I think !!! As a matter of fact a few did come oozing through !! If I hadn't had my TeaTree Oil I don't know what I would of done !!! I took the oil and smeared it all over the bumps and almost instantly found relief !!! Thank God !!! He's the one who keeps pushing me to try and get better and not just lay down and wait to die from all this BS going on in my body which can have very bad effects on your mind too !!!
But I'm usually a very positive and up beat person, really !!HaHa It's just ya'll get to see the whiney little whaa whaa part of me cause this is where I come to try and find some answers to my health issues.
My friends actually come to me anytime they are depressed and I send them on their way with a smile on their face and laughter on their lips !! :) Sometimes there's chocolate cake on their lips too, chocolate is a very happy food !!! Don't ya'll think??
Well anyways I'm really sorry that ya'll have to listen to my unhappy side. When I get better(I will get better, it's just a matter of time and mind over matter) I'll come back here and chear ya'll up too !!! :) :)
Gotta go, it's time to cook supper for my Honey.
Thanks a big heap for being my Peeps, Guys !!! With ya'll's help, I'm bound to find the answers I need !!!
the Hillbilly