Hiatal hernia, enlarged prostate...
Help me help my brother!
He's on a bunch of drugs- he says that he would like to deal with these problems naturally and I don't know where to start in terms of what to do first, what to quit first, aaaeeeee.
He's on terazosin for his prostate. Goes between kapidex and protonix for stomach acid.
The problem with a hiatal hernia is that it causes stomach acid to go up into the esophagus- very painful. It also causes belching and vomiting.
The DRUGS that he's using to reduce stomach acid can ALSO cause vomiting. BTW, I KNOW that antacids are a bad idea.
I've done a little research and I've found things that he can do immediately such as smaller meals, raising the head of the bed and not eating 3 hrs before sleep. He needs to lose weight- he's about 40 lbs overweight I'd say.
I know that when one stops antacids there is an acid rebound... and that sounds as though that could be absolute torture for him.
What should he do first?
And the prostate thing...iodine, selenuium, zinc, saw palmetto. That's what I've got so far. I think that the gut issue should be dealt with first...
Juice fast? gruel? water fast?
I'm going to post this message in a few different forums. A lot of people I respect here don't necessarily hang out together...:)