--answer- - White mushroom?
Hi Paraboy,
Your question:
Hi Moreless,
I was looking up info on Arimidex and found this:
It says that white mushrooms act as an aromataze inhibitor, but without the $200 per month charge nor all those nasty side effects.
It also says that the mushroom is high in vitamin D and others.
I think I will ask my Grandma to stop the garbage drug and eat the shrooms!!!
Answer: I am no expert on mushrooms, but I can say they are of the Family of Fingi!
Fungi is a Yeast Family!
Yeast have the ability to raise the pH of the media they are growing in, this is their job!
You may try giving your Grandma some Bakers Yeast cakes disolved in water each day, and start slowly and these may help?
Baker's Fresh Yeast
Fleischmann’s® Yeast products are special strains of yeast that are chosen and cultivated for uniformity, hardiness, strength, stability and consistency.
Fresh Yeast is used by bakers in a wide variety of bakery applications from low-sugar French breads to high-sugar sweet rolls. It has excellent activity that works well with automated bakery equipment because it reduces variance and narrows proofing windows. Fresh yeast is available in cream, crumbled and block forms.
Smile Tis your choice.