Re: Unbelievable quanity of urine during nightime hours
Hey Refreshed,
I too agree with you that I have too much acid. I know it will take some time to conquer this problem. I just started worrying myself about the amount of urine that I have "accumulated" during the night in my container and am amazed and alarmed at the amount.
Today, I am keeping track of input/output to see what I see. So far very little output. Why though would my bladder decide to wait till I want to sleep to empty itself?
Before I found this forum, I had hair anaylsis done. It showed low sodium, low iodine. It show very high (off the chart) calcium and maganesium. Now, knowing this is what was "thrown off" into my hair, was my body not absorbing the cal and mag and therefore getting rid of it, or did I actually have extremely high levels...don't know.
I also tested extremely high for aluminum, lead, uranium, arsenic, and several others....don't know what is up with all that. I live in a small town, no pollution, no factories, etc.
All I know is...I feel like a puppet and somebody has pulled the strings way too tight, from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. That and I p.. when everybody else is asleep.