Unbelievable quanity of urine during nightime hours
Hi all,
I posted this as a response to WEIL but wanted to copy it to a current page in hopes of getting more responses and other similiar stories shared.
I read through a LOT of your previous posts and only found one that dealt directly with some of my problems.
Can you direct me to some of your posts where you tell of your symptoms and how you relieved or healed those problems.
I read a post from ML concerning frequent urination with a large of quantity of urine being passed each time. That along with my painful feet are my main problems at the present time.
I've realized that I seem to urinate more that I consume in fluids. Is that possible? I don't have to "live close to a bathroom" during the day but come nighttime, as soon as I lay down--I have to p..
Less than one hour later, p..
Every half hour (or 45 minutes) for about the first 2 hours of laying down.
Then I progress to Step 2 where I "ONLY" have to urinate every 2 hours (almost on the hour exactly!) Because my feet are too bad at night to make it to the bathroom (1/2 bath right there in bedroom!) I use a container. Well, it is quite obvious the quanity of urine expelled during the night. I am sometimes amazed at the amount!
Last night I quit fluids at 4pm. I did take a couple of Valerian Root and drank about 1/2 glass water. I honestly thought I'd sleep through the night like a baby. HA! I p'd an unbelievable amount, I'd say close to 1/3 - 1/2 gallon.
I still remember the days of being asleep before my head hit the pillow and waking up in the morning to use the bathroom for one long expulsion. I never woke up during the night even to the age of 55 when this affliction hit. I now do not get any REM sleep. I'm quite wide awake every two hours.
My skin, especially on my lower legs, is quite dry. I know I must be dehydrated.
What is with all this urine? How can we lose more then we take in?
Several years ago a dr told me I should consider hypothyrodism as a source of my pain and swellings.
WEIL, ML, anyone......
Please share with me on the adrenals and even moreso, the fact that:
If I take sea salt or natural sodium (kelp, dulse, celery) my feet and ankles swell up.
I tried Potassium and thought the pain would kill me. All the areas of pain: feet, ankles, shoulder, elbows, wrists, back muscles that usually hurt,with the potassium pill, REALLY hurt! I ate some sea salt and pain diminished.
Round and round I go.......sodium - swell up
potassium - more pain.
How do I know what to do?
Sorry for the long post, I know I sound like a whiner but I feel like the answer is so close at hand - just don't know which "door" to look behind.
I have had so many positive changes and healings with ML protocol. I know God can and will heal me, I just feel like I keep sabotaging myself/my body as I don't know which way to turn.