Hi #27214,
Your question: Isn’t it self-evident, why I am here?
It is painfully obvious to me, that nothing, I repeat, nothing happens in this world without reason!
However, “Cause and Effect!” doesn’t solve my problem!
Thanks anyway!
Answer: The 1st step in recovery is admiting we have a problem and then being willing to do something about it!
When you stated you eat healthy in your other post, my 1st question was to try to get you to see that this could not be so, otherwise you would not be having these problems!
Just for your info, everyone else who has come asking for help has also believed as you, that they were eating healthy, but Only those who then were willing to admit that they were NOT eating healthy and were then to learn Why this was so have been able to find healing!
My next question is are you willing to find out Why you are not Healing and what to do to find Healing?
This requires each individual to spend some time doing their own Homework!
As Di has stated it is time to do some review of the info on this forum and then ask more questions for specifics!
Cause and Effect!
Smile Tis your choice.