Question to those on Candida diet
To those of you who are on anti candida diet or have been in the past and have had chronic bad breath problems, has your breath improved in any way?
Just want to see some solid results, because so many people on these boards are on this diet but you dont really here any improvements or success stories. I have found that the only two mouthwashes that help me with my breath are Corsodyl and Grapefruit seed extract(not as effective after multiple use though for me). Both these mouthwashes are understood to kill candida, and hence im pretty sure my problem is Candida. I started the candida diet, only been on it for 4 days and my breath had actually improved, mouth felt a lot more fresher aswell, but i had some crazy
Sugar cravings on the 4th day and drank some mango juice and ate 3 biscuits, straight away i noticed slight bloating and pain in my stomach area and my breath started to smell bad and my mouth was far from fresh. This has strengthened my belief that Candida is the problem and now im going to go full on for this diet for aslong as this bad breath monster leaves me in peace.
Has anyone else had any type of success with a candida diet?